Godly Resources…

We just walked in the door to our Gideon and Auxiliary Area Director’s meeting and I felt exhausted already in my spirit. Though I so enjoyed seeing everyone here, I just wanted to sleep and get forget the past week! The many familiar faces made their way to us as we walked to our seats, each embracing us along the way.

This was more than a handing out bible ministry, this was our family. Some of the most powerful warriors for Christ were in this room and I have the privilege to be apart of this ministry, to have friendships with them, and to be blessed by their prayers.
The morning went by in a flash and on to lunch we went, all talking and sharing stories down the hall. My husband was straggling behind, and I had already sat down to dig into my meal. That’s when the Holy Spirit spoke to me.

He said, “Girl look around you! Why do you think you have to carry your burdens alone? Open your eyes and mind! I have placed you and your husband in a powerful ministry, with powerful prayer warriors! You must have these Gideons and Auxiliary come together in prayer for your husband!” The Holy Spirit often reminds us when we are blind in our burden walk to utilize the resources He has provided. This ministry was one of our resources. The next moment came and went as my husband sat down to eat, because I was on a mission to find the right Gideon to explain my prayer request on my husband’s behalf. After lunch as I walked back down to the meeting room, I found that Gideon! I didn’t stop there, I also stood up at the Auxiliary prayer time and requested prayer for my husband and myself. The Ladies Auxiliary doesn’t play around when it comes to prayer. They moved quickly into action, sat me in a chair, and they all one by one laid hands on me as they prayed over me.

It was an amazing moment! WOW to be lifted up like this was one of the most amazing and humbling experiences of my life. I couldn’t wait to tell my husband and hear of his similar experience, as I was sure he would have. BUT when God wants something done in your life and you are obedient to His request, He not only is faithful, but He blows the request out of the water with how He accomplishes it!
My husband came back to the meeting room where I was once the Gideons rejoined the Auxiliary and he never said anything about prayer to me, which I thought was strange but figured he’d probably tell me on the way home. The day was ending, and I hear our state Gideon president say, “We have one more thing we need to do before we finish today. We need to pray for one of our brothers.” Then he asked my husband and myself to come up for prayer! WOW we watched as ALL the ladies and ALL the men came up to us laying hands on us as they all joined together in prayer over us.

My husband said it was like seeing the face of God in that moment. Now suddenly that burden we had been facing didn’t seem so heavy. I was reminded of Galatians 6:2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. We were not meant to walk through life’s trials alone, but together in Christ. The word resources has been on my mind. We MUST use our God provided resources to truly be obedient to the Lord. He loves us and ALWAYS provides! Have you been utilizing your Godly resources? I pray you start today!