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Are Your Hands Raised?

Have you spent time in praise and worship today? Most people would say no because they only reserve time for those things on Sunday in church. I’m here to tell you when you offer up praise and worship to God the Holy Spirit will rain blessings down on you! Praise and worship are two important keys that unlock the enemy’s chains around your life.

Praise and worship is a choice not a feeling. If you have thoughts that tell you, you don’t feel like praising God or worshiping Him those are lies from the enemy keeping all that God has for you locked up. BUT when we lean into the Holy Spirit and get our minds set on Jesus and all the majesty of who He is it creates an atmosphere of complete peace.

Suddenly all you’ve been stressing over and all you’ve been upset about fades away and the chains are broken! There is POWER in His name, HEALING in His name, and FREEDOM in His name!!

There were many times in my single mom struggle when I had to praise my way through. I had to love God more than my problems, and more than my requests to Him.

Lift your hands to Jesus today with praise and worship as if you have received all you asked of Him, because He wants to rain down blessings on your life! Jesus died to grant us all access to all that He has for us.

I encourage you all to take time to stop obsessing over the world’s problems and be obsessed with the WAY MAKER Jesus Christ!

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