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Signs Your dealing with a Jezebel Spirit

This spirit especially hates men of God who are faithfully doing the work of God.

Jezebel hates men and women in authority who are over her position. She will do just about ‘anything’ to get someone’s place of prominence especially those who speak the truth or have a genuine/pure heart. Jezebel hates the Truth and those who speak it and seeks to destroy those who openly speak the Truth, especially if the Truth exposes her ugly ways and motives.

A person with a Jezebel spirit may look innocent and be widely known as being very helpful and friendly, but he/she is deceitfully cunning and subtle; likely trying to gain ground and favor. Jezebel only looks out for his/her own selfish ambitions. Jezebel is only helping today in order to gain the upper hand tomorrow.

A Jezebel places themselves in the place of prominence subtly and by craftiness with objectives of popularity, if possible even to the degree of being worshiped. Those with a Jezebel spirit long to be praised and adored like a god.

A Jezebel never forgets when they are wronged because they struggle to forgive others. Therefore, he/she will not be at peace until they find revenge, even if it takes years to achieve. Jezebels do not forgive nor forget. Such a person is capable of killing you or destroying your life. Such was the case with the Pharisees, they found Jesus teachings offensive and very hurtful to them and they eventually sort to kill and destroy Jesus.

A Jezebel is secretly compulsive and desperately stalks those he/she envies, being obsessive in finding every single piece of detail about those he/she hates. The person with this spirit will try and find out even the smallest of details about their opponent to use for a plot. Jezebels are demonically intelligent and will keep information for years before using it against their victim.

A Jezebel has no identity of her/his own, no real gifts or talents; like a leech they feed off from others by stealing ideas and counterfeiting other people’s gifts in order to establish themselves or become popular. If a gifted or talented person has a Jezebel as a friend that person will suffer greatly because Jezebel will act like a friend yet he/she is an enemy seeking to sabotage them and their gifts.

They will convince you that your destiny is tied to theirs and without them you will be a failure.

A Jezebel thinks he/she can have any man/woman they want, even if the person is already with someone. This is because Jezebel finds a thrill in destroying relationships and feels powerful knowing that another woman’s man or another man’s woman is giving them attention. A Jezebel in a woman doesn’t care if he’s your boyfriend or husband. A Jezebel in a man doesn’t care if she’s your girlfriend or wife. He/she doesn’t respect you nor your relationship and if he/she wants your man/woman, they will do whatever they can to get him/her because the assignment of Jezebel is to destroy the relationship or marriage.

He/she is the opposite of everything 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says about Love. A Jezebel is impatient, a show off, proud, rude, selfish, provoking, thinks of evil, rejoices in sin, unbearable, unbelieving and unendurable. However, it takes one who abides in the Word of God to be able to discern this because these actions will be very subtle and unnoticeable.

A Jezebel is very spiritual and religious. He/she will make you think they are more spiritual than most people. However, when you begin to discern and test them, you will find that he/she has very little revelation of God’s Word and God’s Love.

Jezebel will tell you of the many experiences, dreams and visions he/she has had but experiences, dreams and visions without knowledge of God’s Word are dangerous. Jezebel is all talk with no godly power.

Jezebel wants your inheritance. He/she is after what belongs to you, hence, he/she will implement ways to choke out and starve your faith in God from His promises and prophesies. A Jezebel will even do this through false dreams, telling you God told them something about you or that they dreamt of you when God did not tell them anything.

A Jezebel will have a record of your history and especially knows your triumphs and victories. They will however casually bring up in conversations your flaws and weaknesses to mock you or they will bring up your victories as a way to butter you up. This is done to frustrate you. This is why when you have friends with a Jezebel spirit you will often be emotionally or psychologically frustrated, confused and tired from the friendship. Once the friendship is over you will suddenly feel free, at peace and able to think more clearly.

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