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Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship

1. All take, no give. Any relationship in which you experience withdrawals of energy without deposits will leave you in the negative.

2. Feeling drained. If, instead of feeling happy and productive, you're always mentally, emotionally, and even physically drained, it's time to re-evaluate.

3. Lack of trust. A relationship without trust is like a car without gas: You can stay in it all you want, but it won't go anywhere.

4. Hostile atmosphere. Constant anger is a sure sign of an unhealthy relationship. You should never be around hostility because it makes you feel unsafe.

5. Occupied with imbalance. A one-sided relationship can never run smoothly.

6. Constant judgment. In judgmental relationships, criticism is not intended to be helpful but rather to belittle.

7. Persistent unreliability. Mutual reliability is important to building trust and is at the core of any good relationship.

8. Nonstop narcissism. If the other party's interest in the relationship is really just a reflection of him or herself, it's impossible to achieve any kind of balance


9. Loaded with negative energy. It's almost impossible for anything positive to come out of a relationship filled with negativity.

10. Lack of communication. Without communication, there is no relationship. Period.

11. Continuous disrespect. Mutual respect is the first requirement of a good partnership.

12. Mutual avoidance. If you spend your time avoiding each other, that tells you all you need to know.

13. Insufficient support. If you cannot turn to each other, is there a reason to be in the relationship?

14. Ceaseless control issues. If one person is in control, or a constant tug-of-war is going on, you're probably spending too much energy navigating the relationship.

15. Never-ending drama. Good relationships improve your life; they don't make it messier.

16. Persistent self-betrayal. If you find yourself changing your opinions to please someone else, you're in a damaging relationship.

17. Constant challenges. All relationships go through challenges, but good relationships work through them.

18. Feelings of unworthiness. It's an insidious thing negative relationships do: They leave you feeling you don't deserve any better.

19. Vibes of entrapment. Is the other person a positive force in your life, or are you there because you don't see any way out?

20. Always undermining. If a relationship can't be reassuring, it's failing a crucial test

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