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Making Amends

What do I do now Lord?

I thought to myself. This had been a transforming year in my life. The year was 2015 and although I had grown in wisdom of the Lord, I still hadn't reached my breakthrough. One evening I was having quiet time with the Lord and I prayed asking God to reveal to me what I needed to do next. The answer I received the next few weeks was to right my wrongs and make amends. HOW in the world do I make amends? To make amends means by the Webster dictionary:

: to do something to correct a mistake that one has made or a bad situation that one has caused

God lead me to a verse:

​​I needed to make amends with those I had offended or hurt. It was like a light bulb being turned on after forever being burnt out!

WOW! OK Lord I hear you I thought. All I could do next was pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names of people I needed to make amends with or reconcile. In the weeks to come the Holy Spirit revealed to me the names of whom I needed to contact and get in right standing with. The decision to contact them was a hard one because I was in my flesh when things went sour and some of the people the Holy Spirit revealed to me probably did not even have a clue as to what I was apologizing for.

That didn’t matter my test was in my obedience to the Lord and His request of me. The days went by as I contacted each of them to correct my wrongs. Some I heard back from with understanding and grace. There were others I still to this day haven’t heard from and that is OK. The blessings God has for us don’t come from what others say they come from an obedient heart! I am so glad I chose to follow through with what God asked of me, because it caused my cup to overflow with blessings from expected to unexpected!

Do you have the heart to ask the Holy Spirit who you need to make amends with today? Can you follow through in obedience? I pray you can because there is nothing worse in life that to be our own blessing blockers! Please allow God to transform your heart today and let the blessings overflow your cup!!

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