I'm the One!

Let me see what else is on I thought as I sat alone in my raggedy singlewide trailer flipping the TV channels, trying desperately to find anything on besides the latest Rev. Billy Graham crusade program. My "home" was a pit of disaster from the spirit in me to the hole in the floor towards the back door, but yet my only concern was to find something "better" to watch. The moment seems like yesterday to me. I was sitting on my couch very disgusted with myself and my entire life in general. There was no way I was going to be able to have this baby, I already had a three and four year old and I could barely be their mother. My life was a total wreck to say the least, and I felt completely alone. My alcoholic boyfriend did not know I was pregnant yet, I was still married though separated from my husband for not quite a year, and I was as usual I was completely broke financially as well as spiritually. BUT of course the most important thing to me at the moment was flipping the TV channels. The only thing was there was ABSOLUTELY nothing else on, so I decided to watch that Rev Billy Graham crusade program not yet realizing my life was fixing to change. While I sat there my eyes became glued to the multiple testimonies one after the other, until a black lady revealed what this "God" had done in and through her life. "SAVING HER" I recall was the words she used. She had been through constant torment until she received Christ as her Savior. As I continued watching the program I felt the room in that raggedy singlewide get warm and the atmosphere changed to an unfamiliar peace I had never experienced before. I could feel Jesus sitting next to me as if there was an indention of His Body on my couch. The next thing I felt was Jesus putting His hand on my as any true friend would and He told me I would have my baby and all of my life would be completely taken care of if I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. Tears began to pour down my face as I finally realized the life I had been living alone was only a lie from the enemy. God Himself was there from the moment I was in my mother's womb and He was sitting next to me now. That very night in March of 2008 I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. To this day I can honestly say EVERYTHING in my life has been taken care of by Jesus. I will forever be thankful for that raggedy singlewide trailer, it was my valley and Jesus met me there to take me to the top of His mountain! Can you reflect on your on testimony, or maybe you haven't found your meeting place with Jesus today? Friend I am here to tell you He is already there waiting for you to join Him! Say YES to the Lord today and watch Him unfold the marvelous life awaiting you!!