Hey! I'm Tara Thomas. I am 37, wife of an amazing husband, Scott Thomas, mother of three awesome kids...River 14, Annabella 13, and Gracie is 9. We live the small, but growing town of Kannapolis, NC.
My journey with Christ started in this trailer where I was living at the time. Rev Billy Graham's program was on one night, I was 27 years old, alone, in the middle of a separation from my then husband, had two small children, was pregnant and scared to death. I hated my life and was completely depressed from the rollercoaster my life was on. I rolled my eyes at Rev Billy Graham's program that night and thought there was no way this was going to be for me, but could not stop watching it. I felt Jesus next to me that night and with Rev Billy Graham's help I invited Jesus into my heart!

Since that time Jesus has completely turned my life around. He has shown me that by living by faith in Him I never had to be alone again. My life as a single and scared mother of now 3 was turned around by giving Jesus full control of my life as Lord and Savior. He brought me out of the darkness of depression and chaos, into a Christ filled life, fulfilling of His promises to me daily!

On November 6th, 2016 Jesus fulfilled one of His biggest promises and blessings to me with my marriage to Scott. I had waited patiently in faith, professing God's promise to me for my husband and on this day I was blessed by God to marry my best friend.

Scott and I keep Christ first in our marriage and hold tight to our faith. We have an unbreakable bond.
Ecclesiastes 4:12
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

My marriage to Scott opened up a door that allowed me to join the Ladys Auxiliary of the Gideons International Organization. I currently serve as the president of the Ladys Auxiliary for the Rowan South Camp in North Carolina. I am looking forward to all the doors God is opening up within the Gideon Ministry!

My passion is ministry for women that have gone through or are currently going through the ups and downs of the single mother struggle. My ultimate goal is to show the love of God through my experiences during those times and to reveal the wonder of how God brought me through all of it. It is my hope for each person, man or woman that takes the time to visit my website that they gain inspiration and hope by the Word of God and my personal testimony.

Tara Thomas Ministries